Felt Hat Day
Did you know September 15th is Felt Hat Day? Well, now you do! AND it’s also National Cheese Toast Day! See recipe for “Fresh Tomato Soup with Crispy Cheese Sauce” from AllRecipes at the end of this post. The origin …
Did you know September 15th is Felt Hat Day? Well, now you do! AND it’s also National Cheese Toast Day! See recipe for “Fresh Tomato Soup with Crispy Cheese Sauce” from AllRecipes at the end of this post. The origin …
September 1st is National Tofu Day in the UK, and it’s also National Cherry Popover Day! Scroll on down for a free recipe from AllRecipes.com for how to make traditional popovers. Are you a lover, or hater, or this soft …
Ah, relaxation… a day to do NOTHING. Yeah, right? Today, August 15, is the day set aside to actually relax. And that’s the problem, right? Why is it so hard to relax? Am I just speaking for myself here? I …
August 5th is a weird day. Why? It’s National Beer AND Underwear Day! Also, it’s “Work Like A Dog Day”… I can get my paws around that! August 5th is known for a few things, but (for sure) I would …
Yes, today is National Mountain Climbing Day. It’s also called Mountaineering, and as the name implies, it involves scaling mountains. The closest I ever got to scaling a “mountain” was back in the UK, and it was Parlick Fell, in …
Did you know that July 15th is “Cow Appreciation” day? Well, now you do. And I do appreciate these black and white beauties. Every day, they provide nourishing milk, which I retrieved twice a day when I was back on …
Did you know that June 1st is “Dare Day”? I didn’t. I also didn’t know it was “National Flip a Coin Day” either. So that’s two things learned today. But something else I’ve learned over the years is this: You …