March Madness
Hi there! It’s the month of March Madness.
March Madness refers to that time of year (usually mid-March through the beginning of April) when the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) men’s and women’s college basketball tournaments are held (I had to Google that, how sad).

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash
It’s also the one day of the year when people drink green beer. And I’m a poet and didn’t know it.
Anyone up for a glass of green beer? Nah, me neither… but I’ll go with a glass of green water (I quit drinking alcohol years ago!)
March Shamrocks
But, to me, March is for Shamrocks… and… St. Patrick’s Day in particular!
And March is for books; this one in particular, by Eden Larsen:
Dreams are worth going after…
Cara Walsh is a graphic designer from Ireland. With the luck of her Irish heritage, she lands an interview at a firm in New York City. It has been Cara’s dream to live in the Big Apple! Her cousin, Rachel Turner, lives in the city and is excited to have Cara come for a quick two-week trip. During her stay, Rachel and Chad take Cara to a bar where they serve real American cheeseburgers and beer.
Ryan Murphy meets Cara on her first night in the city. Intrigued by her lovely Irish accent, he offers to buy her a drink – one she’s never tried before. Through their conversations they learn about each other’s dreams and aspirations. Their shared love of art and music deepens their connection and soon they become inseparable.
Will Cara’s anxiety for her future overshadow all the good luck she’s had in New York or can she overcome the sinking fear of failure?
Pick up your copy today HERE!
Rumor Has It…
Why do we wear green on St. Patrick’s Day? Good question; I googled again and came up with a few reasons why:
- Because Ireland is “The Emerald Isle” (fair enough!)
- Wearing green made one invisible to leprechauns (OK…)
- The Irish Americans would wear the green as a reminder that they were nationalists first and foremost (taken from an article in USA Today, back in 2017)

Whatever the true reason is, it’s fun! Happy St. Patrick’s Day.