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Florida Keys Writer

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Maypole variations
Kindle Kindle Vella

May Day

May Day, also called Workers’ Day or International Workers’ Day, is a day commemorating the historic struggles and gains made by workers and the labor movement, observed in many countries on May 1. In the United States and Canada a …


Taxing Time

It’s that time of year… ugh. Tax Time. I “got it over with” mid February. How It All Began President Lincoln imposed the first federal income tax by signing the Revenue Act. The financial requirements of the Civil War prompted …

Kindle Kindle Vella

April Fool’s Day!

Sigh. It’s April Fool’s Day, aka All Fool’s Day. Takes me back to my (much) younger years… Every year, without fail, I’d get hit on the head with a folded newspaper or cushion that was balanced on the top of …

Happy St Patrick's Day

March Madness

Hi there! It’s the month of March Madness. March Madness refers to that time of year (usually mid-March through the beginning of April) when the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) men’s and women’s college basketball tournaments are held (I had …

May Your Journey Always Lead You Home by Sara Branmore

May Your Journey Always Lead You Home

Two strangers, Brad and Anika, skip North Carolina for two completely different reasons Brad Underill, a highly-successful gardening expert and famous author, is eager to flee rabid fans, fame, and fortune. He longs to get back to basics—and misses the …